October 23, 2020 2022-08-14 22:32FAQs2
Become an Instructor
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How to Become an Instructor
Become an Instructor
Flexible Schedule
As a Learning The Trusted Course, you will start with your passion and knowledge. Then choose a promising topic with the help of our Marketplace Insights tool, depending on your availability. This gives you the flexibility to commit the rest of your time to pursuing other professional opportunities.
How we help you
We will provide you with the resources you need to ensure success in the classroom. While you concentrate on teaching, we manage course development, coordinate travel and lodging, and supply you with hardware, software, and course notes. And, our instructor dashboard and curriculum pages help keep you organized.
Instructor Rules
Plan your course
How we help you
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Start with Courses
Plan your course
How we help you
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We're here to help
Our Instructor Support Team is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Use our Teaching Center, a resource center to help you through the process.This community group is always on, always there, and always helpful.