A Level in Economics – Online Course
About This Course
The A Level Economics course will help students to develop skills and understanding of economics. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to use an enquiring, critical and thoughtful approach to the study of economics. This will help students to understand economic behaviour which can be studied to succeed in today’s changing world. Students will acquire specific and relevant skills in analysis, evaluation, critical thinking, and decision making that can be applied across a broad range of contexts.
The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Economics A is structured into four themes and consists of three externally examined papers. Students build knowledge and understanding of core economic models and concepts in Units 1 and 2, and then build on this and apply their knowledge to more complex concepts and models in Units 3 and 4.
A Level Economics Course Duration
2 years.
Study Hours Required
Approximately 350 hours.
Awarding Body
Pearson Edexcel
Edexcel A Levels are available for study anywhere in the world. Examinations can be taken at any registered examination centre in the world. It is recommended students check with examining centres that the chosen exam is available.
Examination Information
Students are required to arrange and pay for their A Level Economics examinations and manage the course work element if the subject requires this. Students must check the relevant examination board website for further information and final examination sitting dates for the specification.
All examinations are held during the May / June exam period of every year.
A Level Economics Course Content
A Level Economics Unit 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure
This unit focuses on microeconomic concepts. Students will develop an understanding of:
- The nature of economics
- How markets work
- Market failure
- Government intervention.
A Level Economics Unit 2 : The UK Economy- Performance and Policies
This unit focuses on macroeconomic concepts. Students will develop an understanding of:
- Measures of economic performance
- Aggregate demand
- Aggregate supply
- National income
- Economic growth
- Macroeconomic objectives and
A Level Economics Unit 3: Business Behaviour and the Labour Market
This unit develops the microeconomic concepts introduced in Unit 1 and focuses on business economics. Students will develop an understanding of:
- Business growth
- Business objectives
- Revenues, costs and profits
- Market structures
- Labour market
- Government intervention
A Level Economics Unit 4: A Global Perspective
This unit develops the macroeconomic concepts introduced in Unit 2 and applies these concepts in a global context. Students will develop an understanding of:
- International economics
- Poverty and inequality
- Emerging and developing economies
- The financial sector
- Role of the state in the macroeconomy
A Level Economics Assessment
A Level Economics Paper 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure (code: 9ECO/01)
Externally assessed
Availability: May/June
35% of the total A level marks
Paper 1 will assess microeconomics and questions will be drawn from Themes 1 and 3.
Overview of assessment
Written examination.
The paper comprises three sections. Students answer all questions from Section A and Section B, and one from Section C.
Section A comprises a range of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
Section B comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts.
Section C comprises a choice of extended open-response questions; students select one from a choice of two.
Duration: 2 hours. 100 marks available.
A Level Economics Paper 2: The National and Global Economy (code 9ECO/02)
Externally assessed
Availability: May/June
35% of the total A level marks
Paper 2 will assess macroeconomics and questions will be drawn from Themes 2 and 4.
Overview of assessment
Written examination.
The paper comprises three sections. Students answer all questions from Section A and Section B, and one from Section C.
Section A comprises a range of multiple-choice and short-answer questions.
Section B comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts.
Section C comprises a choice of extended open-response questions; students select one from a choice of two.
Duration: 2 hours. 100 marks available.
A Level Economics Paper 3: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (code 9ECO/03)
Externally assessed
Availability: May/June
30% of total A level marks
Paper 3 will assess content across all four themes. Students are required to apply their knowledge and understanding, make connections and transfer higher-order skills across all four themes.
Overview of assessment
Written examination.
The paper comprises two sections.
Each section comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including a choice of extended open-response questions; students select one from a choice of two.
Duration: 2 hours. 100 marks available.
Assessment and Tutor Support
The course is assessed via written exams at the end of the one year course of study. However, assignments are included at the end of each unit to assess your progress and provide feedback. These are sent to your tutor and you will receive feedback and guidance on your work. You will have access to online tutor support for the full duration of your course.
Previous Knowledge
There are no prior learning or other requirements for this qualification. However it is advisable that you have achieved at least a C grade in GCSE Maths and English or their equivalent before commencing this course
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- A Level Economics Entry Requirements
- Although the A Level Economics programmes build on the course content of GCSE, it is not necessary to have this qualification before undertaking an A-Level. However, in order to meet the demands of the course, it is recommended that candidates have literacy and communication skills equivalent to C or higher at GCSE. Please note that full tutor support is still provided throughout your course duration.
- All students must be 16 years of age or above.