Alcohol Personal Licence Holder
This course is fully accredited by the internationally recognized agency …
What you'll learn
The Law
The Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
Premises Licences
Immigration Enforcement
Review of a Premises Licence
Duties and Licence Conditions
Personal Licences and Club Premises Certificates
Personal licences
Club premises certificates
How do I change my licence or club certificate?
Dealing With Licensing Authorities
Licencing Authorities and the Law
Fees and Applications
Types of Businesses Selling Alcohol
Late Night Refreshment
Representations and Mandatory Conditions
Making Representations
Mandatory Licensing Conditions
Licensing Authority Powers
Powers Under the Licencing Act
Children and Under 18s
Legal Implications
Proof of Age Policy
Recording Refusals
Responsibility in Alcohol Retailing
The strength of alcoholic drinks
Promoting Low Risks Drinking